When performing any type of construction work, it is important that all the procedures be carried out in accordance with the standards and regulations in place as required by the RBQ as well as the norms for construction. Construction plans and specifications are essential in order to ensure that the work to be done will adequately meet construction standards as well as your intended objectives. Building plans and specifications consist of technical documents describing, in detail, the necessary adjustments, the appropriate procedures, the quantities as well as the materials to be used and their characteristics.

Plans and specifications are used in order to plan the necessary repairs, modifications, renovations and / or improvements of an existing or new building. Most importantly, it allows the customer to compare with more ease and in a more informed manner, the bids and contractors in order to obtain good quality work at a fair price.
The plans and specifications services offered by our engineers include:
- The building envelope (masonry, concrete, and more …)
- The facades of the building
- Slab of elevated parking structures
- Bearing walls
- Structural concrete slabs
- Waterproofing of parking slabs
- Foundation Waterproofing
- Roof waterproofing
The services following the plans and specifications are as follows:
The call for tenders by contractors
- The management of the call to tender includes:
- Invitation of contractors to bid.
- The visit of the building with the bidders.
- Technical support to bidders.
- Analysis of the bids and our recommendations to the client
- Providing assistance to the client when the contract is awarded to the chosen contractor.
Management and Site Supervision
- Periodically monitor the construction process until its completion.
- Check compliance of works and materials with plans and specifications.
- Verify the conformity of the work with the contractual documents.
- Quality control.
- Technical support throughout the working process.
- Issue the certificate of completion.